Today I watched the funeral of Edward 'Ted' K

ennedy. I can't help but wonder what it is going to be like going forward without a Kennedy of the older generations in our 'midst'. Nothing personal, Patrick. I am 50 years old and remember the day we lost John. I was 5 years old and was in the living room with my mother as she vacuumed. All of a sudden, the vacuum dropped out of her hands, she sat down, stared at the tv and became teary-eyed. I had no idea what was going on but if my mother was crying - I was paying attention! I can put myself in that place like it was yesterday.
For better or worse, there was always a ‘Kennedy” looming in our midst throughout my years. An amazing presence of one family like no other I can recall in my lifetime. Even during not the best of times, they were such a presence that everyone paid attention to what was going on, the hurt and consequences suffered, and, most importantly, the lessons to be learned. For me, personally, when I lost my fiance and couldn’t walk into the funeral home, my friend took my arm and repeated just three words in my ear, “Be Jackie Kennedy, Be Jackie Kennedy.” I wonder today if there is any other short message that could have been so concise and clear in directive at that moment.
Whether you like the politics or not, the beauty of today was the great celebration of a life of giving back, the celebration of a close, tight-knit family, the celebration of a man of compromise, empathy, compassion and enviable strength. Through all the private and public pain, tremendous loss and tragedy, Ted prevailed both publicly in effectively serving and privately in leading the family. He will always be an inspiration to us all in battling on and on and succeeding, despite it all, by becoming an effective human being in the face of ‘life’. RIP