I was sitting in a d
octor's office waiting room one day as I had driven a friend to her appointment. As I believe that there is a reason for every person, place and thing in our lives, no matter how small or inconsequential it may seem, I pay attention to what is going on around me and what people are saying. There is always something to pick up along the way if you pay attention - I like to call this unconditional experience or, really living in the moment.

Anyway, a cell phone rang and a woman across the room began speaking with a friend, oowing and aahing over what the caller was saying - apparently not good news, I thought to myself. After a pretty lengthy exchange, the woman said to her friend "Life doesn't give you what you want - it gives you what you get." I thought to myself "hhhmmm," that's it in a nutshell, isn't it? So simply put and so simply the truth.
My life has changed since accepting this truth. I am stronger emotionally and physically as I am not swimming against the tide anymore, but going with the flow. Nothing is going to change just because I am stressing out and upset, so there is no purpose going through all that, for very long anyway. As a human being, anger, sadness, etc., are only normal but should be moved through as quickly as possible with respect to every day occurrences. I face what is coming my way sooner than later now and am more clear headed about my choices without all that negative emotion going on. Practice makes perfect! Have a great day!
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